Tuesday, April 15, 2008

When Animals Go To The Office

My work day is finally coming to an end. I take one last look around at half empty water bottles, a solar calculator that is definitely ready to see some darkness and revamp, and a mountain of miscellaneous papers strewn about my desk. I, being the sole person on the "graveyard shift" (9-6), am the last one standing. All of my peers have gone home to be with their televisions and crowd around a greasy spoon. At last, I have time to reflect upon the day here at the mines. For today was not a normal day. Today was a day made for heroes.

Early on during the work day, I arrived to find a hurried conversation taking place amongst a select few in my group. From a scrabble-like story that followed my inquiry, I was able to deduct that a small, baby possum had been discovered in my co-worker's backyard. The mother of the baby was lost in this past storm that blew through the area, but she was able to shield one of her little ones right up to the brink of her own death (and no, she wasn't faking it).

The youngster was brought in to the office to be kept warm and cared for thoughout the day. He looked pale, exhausted, literally on the brink of death, but this was a common look of folks entering into my building, so we thought nothing more of it. Then came the stank. An oozing, tar-like matter began to protrude out of his body leading us to believe his days were numbered. Already in hot pursuit to find a suitable home for the little fellow, we were finally able to reach someone just minutes away. She came and with a flash, he was carted away.

It's funny how relationships come and go in your life. He lay curled in a fetal position for hours at my desk and I truly cared for him. We were friends. Funny, I didn't even catch his name nor he mine. It was a good day. I think I'll bring wild animals into the office more often.


Oh, by the way, he pooped on my co-worker's pants. My little possum friend, I tip my hat! That was truly awesome.

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