Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lessons from a Sleep Deprived College Student

First of all I'd like to note that Lizzy and I are the only two people not looking at the camera in our pictures...Interesting.

So, today spring actually hit New York City and this weekend brought my first NYC storm...complete with lightening and sidewalk flooding- so I threw on some rainboots and soccer shorts, grabbed an umbrella, and went puddle jumping at two in the morning. Now thats a college experience.

I've taken on an obsession with the MLB- two Yankees games and one Mets game already attended- actually watching the Sox play the Yankees right now, we're losing :-( I had a subway argument with a mets fan- and I won. Yeah, imagine me taking on this like thirty year old guy who doesn't know what he's talking about in front of an entire subway- oh, it was better than you could have imagined...all in good fun of course.

I know that a lot of stuff has happened that would have been really interesting to put on this blog, but I think most of the important lessons learned are shoved into the back of my brain while chemistry and calculus have taken up the majority of it...i'll post them later as they resurface.

I did learn a lot though...ALOT. Probably more about life than I did about Chemistry and Calculus. New York really is a completely different world, but a world that I have completely fallen in love with. It has been the biggest challenge of my life- but by far the most exciting and most worthy of my time.

So, its about midnight my time and I have a five hour lab starting at eight tomorrow. The post ends here...but know there will be many more to come. Where there are hours of studying there are always hours of time spent on the internet procrastinating...

-Katie...aka the one who's in New York...


The Gastons said...

Watch out having arguments with Mets fans. They're known to start riots and not to mention they sweat alot so getting in a tussle would be really gross.

The Gastons said...

You get 50 brownie points for your newfound interest in the MLB. However, you lose 25 for the interest being in the Yankees. Sorry, I don't make the rules, I just follow them! Love ya!